Reference services

Reference services are the services provided by the library that helps the library users to get access to the information that they needed .Its provide library user with direction to the library materials ,give advice on library collections and services on various kind of information form variety of sources. Its basically helps user to answer the questions that the user have in mind as well as helping the user to locate the information that they  need in the library. The librarian can provide instruction for the use of library resources & services . It is basically to help the user to fulfill and satisfy their information needs .

Library is a place where thousands of information  is stored from various forms such as books , newspapers ,magazines, thesis, media , and others. Normally students will come in the library to get all the information that they need to fulfill the requirement needed in order to complete their assignment and thesis . However not all the students know how to find the right , accurate and reliable information in the library. Some of the students  assumes that they can find the right information directly through the internet. What they do not know is that ,library is where they can get access to sources of information that are reliable accurate and interesting .

We will help the students to locate the information that they need faster and in the right way. Some of the task and services we will provide

1.Teach patrons on how to use the library catalogue

2.Help  patrons find books on shelves

3.Recomend books to patrons

4.Teach user to use online database

5.advice on searching information

Need of reference services in the library:

  • It save the time
  • It gives relevant information to the enquirer
  • It is a valuable service for the research scholars
  • Answer the queries of the readers